Tina Bayliss
I was born in Ludlow and moved to Tenbury in 2004. I started working with the elderly when I was 14 years old at the Fulhams Residential Home. I then went to college to train in Social Care and was employed as a care assistant at Doddington Lodge. I was there for 15 years. I then moved to Hendra House at Ludlow, where I qualified as a level 2 and 3 carer, and became a senior care assistant. I then started a family and my daughter Fern was born in 2005. I subsequently passed my diploma in childcare, and started my own child care business. In 2010 I started work at the Age UK day centre in Burford. My son, Gethin, was born in 2011.
When the Age UK day centre closed in June 2015 I was offered the position of Senior Carer at Kyrebrook. I absolutely love working with the elderly clients, and have really enjoyed working with the new team at Kyrebrook. I am passionate about the future of Kyrebrook and hope we will be here for many more years.